
Silla University Call for the 2016 (GKS) Applications

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SILLAUNIV 2016-02-18 17:54:39

Silla University Call for Applications for the 2016 Korean

Government Scholarship (GKS) Programme

 Silla University, as one of designated Korean Universities, is pleased to announce the GKS scholarship program!

Application Deadline : March 18 (Fri.), 2016

GKS Scholarship Information is as follows:

 ✔ Scholarship Period : same as the period of invitation.

✔ Scholarship Includes:

- Airfare: Round-trip economy class ticket.

* Airfare for entry will not be provided to scholars who are currently living in Korea for academic study or employment.

* The fees for domestic travel within a scholar’s home country and for travel insurance to and from Korea will not be provided.

* Scholars from China and the Czech Republic will not be provided airfare by NIIED, but by their country of origin according to the mutual agreements.

- Monthly Allowance : 900,000 won (KRW) per month.

- Research Allowance : 210,000 won for scholars in the humanities and social sciences; 240,000 won for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences, per semester.

- Relocation (Settlement) Allowance : 200,000 won

- Language Training Fee : Full coverage

- Tuitions : All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university). The tuition is paid by NIIED.

- Dormitory : dormitory fee is paid by Silla University only for scholars who wish to live in dormitory on campus * exluding  meal plan

- Dissertation Printing Costs : 500,000 to 800,000 won, depending on the actual costs.

- Medical Insurance : 20,000 won per month will be provided (limited coverage).

- Special funding for scholars who are proficient in the Korean language (TOPIK Level 5 or 6): 100,000 won per month (commencing from the degree program)


- NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel, moving expenses, deposit, etc. both in the grantee’s country and Korea.

- The medical fee is to be reimbursed through the insurance company to the scholar after s/he pays first.

However, the expense for dental clinic or chronic disease will not be covered.

- Any scholar who gives up his/her study during the scholarship period will not receive airfare and allowance for repatriation.

- Any scholar that quits the program within 3 months after s/he entering Korea, must refund all scholarship fees.

(The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly stipend, Korean language training expenses, etc.).


Completion of the application packet is one of the very important check-points for selection, therefore, please make sure to check att'd guide-line precisely and fill out application forms accurately. Any additional certificates of the  Korean or English language proficiency, certificates related to the Korean Experiences, Korea or any other kind of awards will  give extra points to a scholarship applicant.


Attached files

1) 2016 KGSP Graduate Program Application Forms

2) 2016 GKS Graduate Program Guidelines(Eng.-Ko.)


For further information, of if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact:

Jaewon Choi (Mr.)


Tel : +82-51-999-5480