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SILLAUNIV 2016-05-09 10:00:00
Silla University Has Been Selected for PRIME project
Silla University has been selected for the government subsidy program PRIME.
PRIME is an acronym for: Program for Industrial needs-Matched Education. The aim of this program is to enhance engineering education and the practical use of knowledge at local universities.
Initially 75 universities have applied for participation in the project and after a long selection process, on May 3rd, Tuesday; the Ministry of Education has announced the final 21 universities to be selected for the participation in the project. Silla University is proud to be one of them.
As a result, Silla University will receive an annual financial aid of 5 billion Won for 3 years (starting from 2017) to increase the quotas in MICT majors (Mechatronics, Information and Communications Technology) and reduce quotas in the humanities majors.
These measures are believed to help to solve the problem of the labor gap which is an oversupply of humanities and shortage of engineering majors.