
Call for Applications for 2017 KGSP for International Students for an Undergraduate Degree

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SILLAUNIV 2016-09-05 16:00:00

Call for Applications for 2017 KGSP for International Students for an    Undergraduate Degree



Silla University, as one of designated Korean Universities, is pleased to announce its call for applications for 2017 KGSP for International Students for an Undergraduate Degree for Natural Science & Engineering Majors (via Silla University)!


Application Deadline: October 21, 2016


Scholarship Information is as follows:

  • Scholarship Period:
  • March 1, 2017 ~ February 28, 2022 (1-year Language + 4-year Degree Program)
  • Scholarship Includes:
  •  ✔ Airplane Ticket or Airfare: The scholarship covers an economy class flight with the shortest route between a scholar’s country and Korea. A one-way ticket to Korea will be offered to each scholar at the beginning of the scholarship program; another one-way ticket from Korea will be offered for those who complete their studies under the scholarship program.
  •  ✔ Monthly Stipend: 800,000 KRW per month
  •  ✔ Tuition: The tuition fee up to 5 million KRW is covered by NIIED. In case the tuition is higher than 5 million KRW, the exceeding amount is covered by the host university. The university entrance fee is covered by the host university.
  •  ✔ Settlement Allowance: 200,000 KRW upon arrival
  •  ✔ Scholarship Completion Grants: 100,000 KRW upon completion of studies
  •  ✔ Korean Language Training: The full cost for the 1 year is covered by NIIED and the language institution.
  •  ✔ Medical Insurance: Scholars are covered by health insurance for major accidents and illnesses during their scholarship period.
  •  ✔ Korean Proficiency Grants: Scholars with level 5 or 6 on TOPIK will receive 100,000 KRW won per month during the degree program.


  • Selection Procedure & Important Dates:

October 21, 2016

Application Deadline

October 25 - 26, 2016

Document Screening by Silla University

October 27 - 28, 2016

Silla University Interview (by phone or via Skype)

November 02, 2016

Announcement of the result to the successfully selected candidates

November 04, 2016

Universities forward the application documents of the selected             candidates to NIIED.

November 18, 2016

2nd round of selection by NIIED

December 07, 2016

3rd round of selection by NIIED

January 06, 2016

NIIED announces the final successful candidates on the GKS Notice    board on

Early February

University informs the scholars of their scheduled entry to Korea.

Late February

Entry to Korea


How to Apply:

Only hard copies  are accepted. (NO copies, faxes or scans will be accepted). Full Application Package should be mailed to the following address:

Office of International Affairs, Silla University

140 Baeyang-daero (Blvd) 700beon-gil (Rd), Sasang-gu, Busan, Korea (Zip code: 46958)

Tel : +82-51-999-5511, 5512, Fax : +82-51-999-5519



  • - Silla University offers a full waiver of dormitory management fee for GKS students
  • (960,000 per semester / up to 8 regular semesters)
  • - Scholarship is offered only for the Available Departments / Natural Science & Engineering Majors only
  • (see Attachment No. 1)
  • - Only those who hold citizenship of the listed countries are eligible to apply for the Korean Government Scholarship Program
  • (see Attachment No 2).


For eligibility requirements and selection criteria, please check the attached files.


Attached files:

  1. 1) 2017 Available Departments (Silla University)
  2. 2) 2017_KGSP- (Application Guidelines via the Regional Universities)

*You may download more related files via:


For queries and additional information, please contact:


  1. 1) Jaewon Choi (Mr.)


Tel.: +82-51-999-5511


  1. 2) Alexandra Zadoeva (Ms.)


Tel.: +82-51-999-5515