Global Silla

Priskila Natalia

Read 2,640

2016-12-14 13:15:25

Priskila Natalia 첨부파일  - priskila nat..JPG

Hi, everyone! My name is Priskila. I would like to share with you my experience at SU.
It all started with notification on my student’s email with subject “Global Korean Scholarship Program in Silla University, Busan South, Korea”, then, without thinking twice I applied for it and, Thank God, I made it. I packed up my suitcase, said goodbye to family, friends,and get on a plane... to fly away from what I have known as home my whole life.

South Korea, specifically Busan, felt like home to me for these 10 months. Becoming more independent, and becoming who I really am, are the 2 aspects I have noticed myself really grow in! I have gained so much knowledge about Korean culture and language, and many more that I couldn't say one by one.

For sure, this student exchange program has impacted me greatly, as I have become a lot more open to new things and a world bigger than just my comfort zone. I always thought that when I had some difficulties back home, that was hard, but here, having something go wrong you need to think of new ways to overcome it without support of family or close frineds. Thus, I have found that student exchange has been a life changing experience that has made me realise I can do so much more than I ever thought I was capable of. I have had a great experience and spectacularly happy for this 10 months being Silla’s student. I will never forget it and I will cherish all the amazing experiences I had!

Last but not least I am looking forward to what comes next. More fun filled times, more excitement, and more challenges. BRING IT ON!